Bad Rabbit Flowers is a small team of dedicated, creative, flower loving folk and the Bad Rabbit "micro" farm is a quarter acre of gorgeous, organically grown flowers here in the state of Maine. Our aim is to use these primarily when applicable, however we do also make use of wholesalers, other local farms and our foraging skills!
First Student Charter Bus Rental provides memorable and affordable transportation while helping you stand out from the crowd. A school bus charter is a fun, safe and reliable alternative to the usual transportation for your party, outing or group event.
Daphne, local to Westport Island, is known for her amazing homemade pies. She has supplied Tarbox weddings along with local residents and restaurants with various pies and other desserts.
So, if you want peace and quiet, beautiful setting this is the place to be. Rates were well worth what you receive. Remote yet still close to everything you want or need. We absolutely will be back.
Dennis L.
Wake Up Refreshed
The Squire Tarbox Inn has 11 unique rooms, each with a private bathroom and air conditioner. Every bedroom and bathroom has been carefully updated as of 2018. Learn more about our history.